Terms & privacy
For your protection and ours, we require you to abide by the following Terms of Service.
We have detailed below several prominent provisions that are willingly understood and agreed to upon the use of any and all aspects of the following: the Overlook at Grenbrier (Website) including Overlook, Owners Only, the Directory and all other pertinent and applicable materials, literature, information and products provided through the Website. By using any of the services related to the Website, you agree to abide by these Terms of Service.
POA: the Overlook at Greenbrier Property Owners Association.
Owners Only: that portion of the website that requires registration and a User ID/Password to gain access. This includes OWNERS ONLY and the DIRECTORY.
User: any and all registered owners having access to the Owners Only portion of the Website.
User ID: The email address you provide to register. The User ID is used to sign in to the Owners Only portion of the Website.
Password: Your supplied unique password used to sign in to the Owners Only portion of the Website.
Authorization Code: The unique identifying code provided by the POA that allows you to register for access and participate in the Owners Only portion of the Website. This is the primary key to validate owner authorization.
Directory: That portion of the Website where registered owners may voluntarily provide certain personal information disclosed to other registered owners in the community. Third party disclosure is strictly prohibited.
The POA is committed to protecting your privacy on the website. We do not share private and confidential information with third parties, and all information received by us is strictly used internally to give you a more personalized service and experience. Passwords are maintained on the site in an encrypted format for your protection.
Sign In:
Each time you sign in, you agree to abide by the Terms of Service. We reserve the right to change, modify, add or delete information, and these Terms of Service are subject to change at our sole discretion without notification. Please refer to them on occasion to stay current with any and all possible changes.
Copyright and Use of Materials:
No part of this Website may be used, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the POA.
Spam and/or Blatant Advertising:
It is our intent and purpose to make this a "Spam-Free" environment. A blatant attempt at personal advertising is a violation of these Terms and will be cause for termination of privileges if, in our sole judgment, a violation has occurred. It will be permissible to advertise Overlook property for sale. See the "List Your Property" tab on the public Home Page for details.
Owner Directory:
Participation in the Directory is completely voluntary. By choosing to participate you consent to all registered owners to view your information and contact you if you provide contact information. In addition, all registered owners agree not to disclose to any third parties any information contained in the directory. Keeping our private information private in a closed community is of the highest priority and is dependent on the integrity of those having access. Violation of this requirement will result in immediate and permanent termination of your privileges and access to the Owners Only portion of the Website.
Offensive Behavior:
The Website is provided for the free exchange of ideas, debates, news, announcements and more. The interactive nature of the website requires users to behave with the highest professionalism and courtesy to other users. Offensive language, personal attacks, inappropriate content and the like is strictly prohibited. The POA retains the authority to ban users if, in our sole judgment, a user's on-line conduct becomes offensive.
One Registration per Community Address and Adults Only Rules:
There will only be one registration per community address. The registered user is only permitted to share sign in credentials with members of the immediate, owner family. Furthermore, the use of the website is intended for the adult members of the community. Inappropriate use by children will not be tolerated and may be cause to be banned from the Owners Only portion of the Website.
Agree to Not Share Username and Password:
It is strictly forbidden to provide your User ID and Password to enable non-owners to participate in any aspect of this website. If this occurs, the offending user will be banned from the Owners Only portion of the Website.
Finally, the Legal Notice about Compliance:
By becoming a registered user, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the POA and all related parties from any and all losses, liabilities, penalties, damages, actions, suits, proceedings, settlements, and/or judgments arising out of or related to any alleged or actual infringement or other third-party claims arising from or related to the breach of these Terms of Service. The Website is also governed by all other Association documents, resolutions, rules and regulations where applicable.